Hello 👋, my name is

Chi Chiu Lam

I'm a Future Web Developer 💻.



Animal Lover & Future Web Developer in Toronto.

I design. I create. I explore.

From learning human languages to machines language, I'm passionated about learning new things, including web development. I'm looking forward to working full-time as a full-stack web developer. Currently learning how to start my first porfolio webpage.

Also, I speak four languages fluently- English, French, Cantonese, and Mandarin.


Photo Album

My first online photo album that contains black-and-white pictures I took in downtown Toronto.


This project is coming soon. Thanks a lot 😅


As a new coder and developer, I'm really excited to learn and explore more programming skills and languages that will allow me to add more exciting elements for my projects and website. I'm looking forward to accepting more challenges and excitement very soon.

Contact Me